For providers
This page is intended for health care providers only. If you need health care services or want to apply for MAP call the Central Health Customer Service at 512.978.8130 Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm.
Esta página está destinada exclusivamente para proveedores de atención médica. Si usted necesita servicios de atención médica o quiere solicitar su inscripción en MAP, por favor llame al Centro de llamadas de servicio al cliente de Central Health al 512.978.8130 de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 5 pm.
MAP & MAP Basic providers
MAP and MAP Basic provider pre-registration
Providers with contracted partners such as LSCC and People’s Community Clinic needing access to the provider self-service portal through VeritySource must complete the pre-registration form.
Verify eligibility
Seton/Ascension employees and their contracted providers use Chassis to verify eligibility.
EpicCare Link
EpicCare Link is a tool that provides real-time web access to patient information so you can access patients’ clinical data and communicate with Central Health to provide quality patient care. You can also use EpicCare Link to quickly refer patients to our organization. EpicCare Link is a collection of different web pages, or activities, that correspond to different tasks. The activity that you use depends on what you want to accomplish.
Access EpicCare Link
Provider Portal
Beginning on Oct. 1, 2024, use the link below to review eligibility, claims, and authorizations.
- Provider Handbook
The handbook contains detailed information about services, policies and procedures, forms, and more. - MAP / MAP Basic Formulary
The formulary is an online database. Mobile device users may experience issues due size, so tablets or desktop devices are recommended. - Claims & payment information
Check or verify status, or get information on the online provider portals. - Provider network map
- Enrollment & clinic utilization dashboard
- Clinic locations